More than Just Honey — The Perks of BeeOdiversity — Risalat Consultants

Honey is such a wonderful, flavorful, tasty, and healthy treat. A gift from the nature full of minerals and vitamins, a great source of antioxidants that is rich in antibacterial properties. Listing all the merits of this amazing sugary substance could go a long way, but have you ever wondered what brings it at your breakfast table? The Answer might sound obvious — the Bees. Though, did you know that in order to produce 1kg of raw honey a honey bee is supposed to fly an estimated 100 000 Km? What would you say if we told you that bees contribute so much more to your table than just a jar of your favorite honey?
How important are the bees?
The Honey bees buzzing from flower to a flower are a lot more than simply appealing sight. Their presence is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. Avocados, Apples, Pears, Soy Beans, Broccoli, Peaches, Kiwis, Melons, Cranberries, and many more types of fruits and vegetables depend on pollination mainly by the bees. Approximately one-third of world food production relies solely on the bees. Effective pollination boosts agricultural harvest levels and enhances plant resistance to pests that in turn help the contemporary world to meet the ever-increasing demand for food.
What makes the Bees so Special?
Even though there are many other pollinators on earth such as insects, birds, and bats, honey bees have well-deserved particular attention and the title of the best pollinators. This is due to their physique, great number, and the behavior of foraging on only one plant species at one time. Besides, unlike other insects, bees are highly effective in catching and spreading pollen, as they are extremely hairy.
Are the Bees in trouble? = Are we in trouble?
The economic value brought by the “free services” of the bees accounts for billions. Mankind has been taking bees and other insects for granted over centuries. However, we can no longer afford to do so. As of today, we seem to be facing the rapid shrinking of crucial pollinators at unprecedented numbers.
The populations of Honey bees have crashed in recent decades. Many entomologists are alarmed by the frequency of Colony Collapse Disorders (CCD) across the globe. CCD is an abnormal occurrence that is characterized by the mass sudden disappearance of the worker honey bees from the hive, leaving the queen and honey stores behind. 40% of all world’s insects are in significant decline. This is primarily due to habitat loss and modification that is caused by increased urbanization and farming. The use of pesticides along with climate change is a couple of other important determinants of bee apocalypse.
Is there anything we can do about it?
Mother Nature works in a very complex yet extremely structured and organized way. Everything is interconnected. Even the smallest thing, you might have never given thought can be of crucial importance. While enjoying the perks of dominating the earth, humans need to become well aware of what makes up their living and strive to preserve it. Every privilege comes with the corresponding responsibility.
Conserving our planet for future generations is our duty. Healthy and Bio Diverse ecosystems can better withstand time and ensure sustainability for all forms of life. Therefore, we need to transform our daily actions and mandate for tenable, ecologically friendly, and BeeOdiverse World.
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